Dating puma punku
Dating > Dating puma punku
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Dating > Dating puma punku
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Click on link to view: ※ Dating puma punku - Link ※ Lisa1989 ♥ Profile
I am overwhelmed and take notes all the time but have to hide them. According to a short biography that I have found, he received his education at a German? We don't know the ages of the sites, the people who lived there and we aren't sure if they were cities which fell into ruin and later were occupied by other people people who then had their own problems and then the sites fell into ruin again.
The second largest stone block found within the Puma punka is 7. These are all questions on the minds of those researching these ancient structures, and they are not easily answerable, if they can even be answered at all. Wikipedia has nothing to do with what you or any other person wants to believe is true. He probably had a whole team of smart workers, but none smart enough to carry on the work after he died.
Ancient Mysteries: Puma Punku in Tiahuanaco, Bolivia - The cuts on these stones are perfectly straight. Of course, when he is shown without the mask in codices, he is always shown with a black face or a black face with yellow stripes.