Am i just a hookup to him quiz

Dating > Am i just a hookup to him quiz

The thing is, if a man wants to be with you, he will do whatever it takes to have you. You enabled the hookup mentality. He was passive in his approach, and you enabled his behavior. Maybe you started out as friends, or met through mutual friends, which made you comfortable hooking up right away. You never told him what you wanted. You were just having fun, but then, you started feeling things. Hanging out and hooking up once a week or every now and then was okay with you. You were busy, he was busy, and neither of you wanted to put any pressure on the situation. He never slept over because he always had an early day at work the next day, or whatever other excuses he gave you. You never went on dates because he only communicated when he wanted to hook up. He only gave you enough to keep you holding w to hope. Those are the signs of the emotionally unavailable man and you missed them. Get on the same page with the man who is getting your time, mind, and body. qujz

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